
Troy Planning + Design has played a key role in the preparation of the Luton Local Plan (2011 – 2031) from early inception through to Examination in Public. TPD has also been appointed to project manage the preparation of Luton’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and is helping the Council prepare its Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Part 2.

Luton is a town of circa 260,000 located 30 miles north of London with tightly drawn administrative boundaries limiting urban capacity for development sites. Given that Luton has a housing need of circa 18,000 dwellings and capacity for 8,000 dwellings the need for cross boundary working with neighbouring authorities has been critical to ensure the housing needs of Luton and the wider area can be met. TPD has worked closely with Luton and its neighbouring authorities to help ensure a strategy could be developed that delivers urban sites for strategic development and regeneration in Luton and strategic urban extensions on the edge of Luton through Green Belt release.

TPD has supported Luton to ensure it could successfully demonstrate it had met the Duty to Cooperate with its neighbouring authorities and agencies at Examination.

Investment in the town including expanding opportunities at London Luton Airport have led average house prices in the town surged by almost a fifth in 2016 which is the biggest proportional increase in the country, according to data collected by the Halifax (Link).


Luton, Bedfordshire, UK




Luton Borough Council


Local Plans & Strategic Planning »
Policy Writing, Duty to Cooperate
Project Management
Green Belt, Monitoring
Examination in Public
Community Infrastructure Levy
Gypsy and Travellers Local Plan Part 2