
Uttlesford is an area subject to high growth, including the expansion of existing towns and villages, proposals for new ‘garden settlements’, and the expansion of Stansted Airport. The IDP forms a crucial piece of the evidence underpinning the new Local Plan for the district, identifying that infrastructure critical to the delivery of new growth.

Work on the IDP involved workshops with infrastructure and service providers as well as assessment of sites being promoted as new ‘garden settlements’ to help inform the preferred strategy for new growth and the spatial distribution of this across the district. The ‘garden settlements’ have cross boundary implications and thus the IDP forms an important part the ‘duty to cooperate’ with neighbouring authorities.

As a living document the IDP includes a set of interactive digital plans showing growth locations and the location of physical, social and green infrastructure which can then be updated during the life of the plan period.

The IDP also includes an assessment of funding and delivery mechanisms for different types of infrastructure, as well as a phasing plan.

Location and Year

Essex, 2017


Uttlesford District Council