I joined Troy Planning + Design following my graduation with a master’s degree in Urbanism from the Delft University of Technology. I am originally from Hannover, Germany where I have lived throughout my childhood and during my bachelor studies of architecture at the Leibniz University Hannover.
I have always been fascinated by cities, their history, the way that they function, and the interplay of all the factors that form the space we live in. Thus, I approach urban planning in a way, where I appreciate the smallest details on the street level as well as visions and concepts that cover wider areas. I enjoy building connections between these two extremes and incorporating them in a comprehensive design or plan.
I am most passionate about planning just and sustainable spaces that are accessible for all. With my work, I want to make a positive contribution to people’s lives and create places that I would enjoy experiencing and living in.
Since joining Troy, I have been involved in preparing community engagement workshops, undertaking site and area analyses through desk-based research and GIS mapping and preparing neighbourhood plans and their supporting technical evidence base.
In my free time I enjoy running or bouldering, crafts like knitting and pottery, as well as travelling.