Troy Planning + Design can provide you with a tailored service to help you navigate the planning system. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your project at no charge.
Our planning application services are set out below (touch for more details):
Site Appraisals
Fully understand the potential development opportunities of your site or property with a comprehensive Planning Appraisal and tailored Planning Strategy.
Planning Applications
Using our wealth of experience we can provide advice on the most appropriate route for your project and oversee the preparation and submission of your application, producing any supporting technical documents and liaise with the Local Planning Authority on your behalf.
Objections and Comments
Planning Objections and Comments
We can prepare representations to development proposals addressing the material planning considerations with the objective of influencing the applicant and local planning authorities using technical evidence.
Please contact us
Let’s discuss your development proposals and the services we can offer. All initial discussions are free of any further obligation.