We have been supporting local authorities to assess the potential for accommodating new homes on brownfield or previously developed land as part of their plan-making functions.
Over the last decade (and more) the approach to housing land availability assessment has perhaps underplayed the potential that urban areas afford. An Urban Capacity Study can help identify the opportunities for housing potential within urban areas and be used to inform choices in the Local Plan.
Our work often forms a supplement to strategic land availability assessments. It identifies opportunities for further development over and above those in the availability assessments, reflecting national policy that encourages a proactive approach to brownfield site identification. It relates the analysis of urban housing potential to proximity and access to local facilities and public transport, reflecting opportunities for sustainable patterns of development and optimal use of land.
Sites and opportunities are mapped interactively in our in-house digital planning tool with estimates of development potential informed by production of design case studies that are representative of the sites that are identified and typically come forward in the area. The production of design case studies allows for a more creative design-led approach to be taken to estimate development potential and the optimum use of land. These can also begin to inform design codes, illustrating key principles for infill and urban development sites.
Alongside this we have also undertaken analysis of completions on small sites, which are those delivering fewer than five homes, to calculate the potential supply that might come forward from this source type. This is helping to inform estimates of windfall in the District.
Recent project work includes capacity studies and design work on behalf of Mid Sussex, London Borough of Harrow, Elmbridge and the London Borough of Waltham Forest, as well as support to the West London Boroughs reviewing the assessment of and approach to housing capacity and small sites housing targets in the London Plan.