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Spring 2019

Now Available:


Spring 2019 Edition: What's Inside?

Update: Amended Basic Conditions for Neighbourhood Plans

Neighbourhood Plan Health Check

Civic Tech

Character Assessment for NDP

CIL: The Neighbourhood Portion

Neighbourhood Plan Updates

Previous Editions:

Autumn 2018

Now Available:


Summer 2018

Now available:


Spring 2018

Now available:


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We have a track record of delivering and supporting Neighbourhood Plans, including the provision of technical evidence and community engagement. For more information on our support services please call us: 0207 0961329
Troy Hayes:
Jon Herbert:

Troy Planning + Design

Troy Planning + Design is a professional planning consultancy specialising in strategic and community planning, working on a wide range of public and private sector planning, development, and design-related assignments across the UK, Europe and the USA.