
Troy Planning + Design has prepared a Growth Capacity Study to help inform the new Local Plan being prepared by the London Borough of Waltham Forest. Set within the context of a new London Plan which establishes high housing growth targets for the borough, including an expectation that much of this will be delivered on ‘small sites’, the Growth Capacity Study investigated potential for development on previously developed land in the borough boundary, which is constrained through Green Belt designations and presence of Metropolitan Open Land.

The work involved extensive site surveys, particularly around the network of town centres, train and underground stations, and in designated opportunity areas where the potential for transformational change exists.

The work also involved a call for sites, review of existing site information, officer workshops and interrogation of ‘non-physically identifiable’ sites, including for example the potential for reusing vacant and empty properties.

The study presents a range of scenarios, including a development intensification scenario that considers the additional quantum of development that might be possible in the opportunity areas with investment in transport and potential rationalisation of employment land and out-of-town retail uses. The work is underpinned by assessment of delivery and viability matters and, alongside support to the Local Plan, presents data for inclusion on the Brownfield Land Register.


London Borough of Waltham Forest
